Tuesday, May 28, 2019


I think I will do good because I worked hard for this
Job and it’s. A big deal so I feel like we would do are best and honor the chance we got at the  good opportunity that we got and they should be able to
Trust us I have kinda found a passion that drives me because it’s the posting because I feel like you could tell everything u gotta say in a post or ready other people and let other people read your feelings and read your posts so I feel like I could be a good worrier if I took the time and practiced and I feel like I should read more because reading is good for you I think the way you taught us this year makes me laugh because you didn’t care like by cussing and you let us express are feelings and say what we don’t like and what we do like and you took the time for us to teach something to the class and about that is we taught something we loved and it felt good teaching the class about basketball and the injury’s we could get I think the quality of the speaker has to do is look at the class when  presenting and also get are atttention by doing something a lot of us would either enjoy or like to see another think they should do is speak clearly and not so fast because a lot of people try to speed past the subject there teaching like a lot of teachers I don’t think I’m a hero yet because for me there was no here I looked up to so I had to look up to the villains because that’s all I was around and that’s all I seen so I did a lot of things villains would do “the cat ran outside while the dog stayed inside and. Ate his food”the vagrants I read was benard in the book we read he was very exciting to read about and also learn about and all the studs he did

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


I think today’s presentation went good I liked the first one about the drawings and how the architect used certain objects and ideas to make there picture or make there object I liked the game we played about the drawing and had to guess it lol  and  I also liked the second one about how sucialdal how much people actually die from it

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Being someone you aren’t is something big in life because if you lie and not do what you want you just do things to suprise people or make them think better of you is bad because you aren’t doing why you think is good for you you’re doing something  you think is good. For them in the book John is the one that stands out to me because he is pretty different from the rest because how he acts through out the whole movie he acts as someone else and I first found out he was acting different when he was in the hospital and he finds out about the maggots and also finds Out linda is a slave and tells the deltas soma is poison and John has a big argument with the deltas and called them babies because they don’t agree and don’t kid them to John and they ask him to leave and he says he’s gonna bring back freedom John then throw the soma out the window and they get mad because that was there drug they the all rush John after all I see John is the only one living in the real world and he ends up having feelings

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Chapter 14 notes brave new world

John goes to the hospital and says he wants to see his mother John sits next to Linda in tears talking about all the good times together Linda mistakes John for pope she shakes angrily mistaking him for his son

Monday, April 8, 2019

brave new world chapter 12 notes

Benard arranges a large party for all the important people promising them a chance to meet the savage but when they  end up getting there the savage John ends up not leaving his room benard gets humiliated and feels embarrassed by all the guests Lenina ends up getting disappointed about everything that John did witt the big new world there watching .

Thursday, March 28, 2019

1. Bernard asks John to explain what did he do to be the way he is
2.she gets controlled on how to live and hav sex so she tried to switch to the new world so she can control everything her self and have as much sex as she wants

3.pope brings a alcoholic  drink to Linda and also a book by Shakespeare which also John red
4.john dosent like pope and pope exerts careless
5.the allusions were getting more dramatic and more crazier
6.he feels like this because the way his mother left him to go sleep wth many different  men and also felt the village didn’t accept him
7.becayse John didn’t really care anymore
8.benard tells John to go to London with him
9.john reacted normal because benard is the one that laughs and tells him no and to waut until he gets to the other world

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Chapter 1 notes brave new world

 It begins  with the image of a grey building of thirtyfour stories called the Central London Hatchery i think it is but it gets Inscribed over the door Inside there are workers wearing white overalls and gloves.Enter the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning with a group of new students. He is giving them a tour starting with the Fertilizing room The Director makes sure to give these new students just enough information so they will be competent at their jobs, but not so much information that the workers don’t get the big picture yet .the director begins lecturing to the workers while they also take notes looking all happy and exited 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Gatsby chapter 4 notes

Gatsby told nick about a mysterious story as nick never  believed him until gatsby doesn’t him a medal from  oxford and Jordan tells nick that gatsby told him he is in love wth daisy when Jordan and nick are at lunch together

Monday, January 28, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

Hope funk  Is a new literature genre of pop culture and it extends to utopian fiction I think they think it matters because you can ask the audience to envision and evaluate an imagined perfect and they can use it as it bloomer

Thursday, January 24, 2019

20th century writing styles

A genre is a category of artistic composition as in music or literature.
 Naturalism: a style and theory of representation based on the accurate depiction of detail.
Realismthe attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly 
Modernism:  modern character or quality of thought expression or technique 

Thursday, January 17, 2019


I’m My experience it is better to share with people because you could compare ideas and get better questions and answers with in other people if you read by your self you only have one answer and one idea and it kinda goes witt what I saw in the videos because he shared with many people and not just him self