Thursday, March 28, 2019

1. Bernard asks John to explain what did he do to be the way he is
2.she gets controlled on how to live and hav sex so she tried to switch to the new world so she can control everything her self and have as much sex as she wants

3.pope brings a alcoholic  drink to Linda and also a book by Shakespeare which also John red
4.john dosent like pope and pope exerts careless
5.the allusions were getting more dramatic and more crazier
6.he feels like this because the way his mother left him to go sleep wth many different  men and also felt the village didn’t accept him
7.becayse John didn’t really care anymore
8.benard tells John to go to London with him
9.john reacted normal because benard is the one that laughs and tells him no and to waut until he gets to the other world

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Chapter 1 notes brave new world

 It begins  with the image of a grey building of thirtyfour stories called the Central London Hatchery i think it is but it gets Inscribed over the door Inside there are workers wearing white overalls and gloves.Enter the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning with a group of new students. He is giving them a tour starting with the Fertilizing room The Director makes sure to give these new students just enough information so they will be competent at their jobs, but not so much information that the workers don’t get the big picture yet .the director begins lecturing to the workers while they also take notes looking all happy and exited