Thursday, December 6, 2018

Montag and fabers intentions

montag and  Faber plans are to try to plant the books inside the homes of the firemen so they could All Get arrested and get in trouble for having the books then if they get arrested there would be no one to burn the books and enforce the no book law !!!

Monday, December 3, 2018

My semester goal

My end of the year goal is to have a A in this class and to really know how to do more blogs becuse i like the way you coupd learn about other people on looking at blogs and you could really tell
Your life  story without being shy and also i want to learn how to do more on my blog and be more vreatuve  i am gli g to try my hardest and also get evreything done

Monday, November 26, 2018

I didn’t really remember much I just remembered where she got suctioned out because she overdosed on pills and she came back and was eating bread with butter and the guy ended up working but don’t know why and he brought a book home and started reading and hides it then the girl found it and he said don’t worry about it and he hides again

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

When is it wrong to break the law it is wrong when you do something stupid and you know it’s wrong but when you’re breaking the law and you know it’s right  then do it because it’s really your own opinion on wat you think so like J -walking its a stupid law and that’s wat people do it anyway !!

Friday, November 2, 2018

Writing could change the world because of how people think of it everyone has  a different way of thinking it’s just how U look at it so fiction also could help on how we think on stuff because. Arthur’s Could be  heroes because everyone has a favorite autour journalism that they depend on and what the live off of like a book can help someone learn how to do something so that person depend on the bill to help
Them so that bill can be someone’s hero also so authors have a way of looking at thinks and could be worth  dying for because they put all there life into there book or essay or poem so writing could help somebody

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Henry David  thoraeu quotes
1)Rather than love, the money than fame give me the truth
So he’s saying instead of all that he would rather want the truth

2) do not hire a man who does your work for money but him who does it for love of it
So he’s saying hire a man who does it for the love of it because the person loves doing it instead of being a man who just does it for the money

3)all good things are wild and free
He’s saying all the bad and wild things are feee but wild like there free but there could be a wild repacks e

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Emerson self reliance quiz

believe in yourself and never give up sounds like something Ralph Waldo Emerson May say Emerson
Was known during the 19th century this most famous word would be the essay Emerson wrote that was self reliance many people have a different way of intercepting things and I also have a different way of intercepting things

Emerson’s essay he wrote was complicated because how it was tilted in my odd meaning in other people’s minds in my opinion I may believe the title kinda relies on believed in what you want and not care about what other people believe in like going to scholl dressed as a homeless person it’s beavuse you don’t care what anybody thinks of you because you make your own opinions so dress however you want because it’s you not anybody else

I could use Emerson’s idea to help me and others in life so I agree with him beacuse he’s baiscally telling you not to worry about what other people are saying about you and to not care what other people think so this could help me I could use Emerson’s quote that says “else to-morrow a stranger will say what we have good sense precie y what we have thought and felt all the time and we shall be forced to take with shame our own opinion from one another I could use this quote in real life because don’t feel shame in doing what you love and like don’t let anybody bring you down

A way that I would be able to use Emerson’s idea from his essay is knowing that I can do whatever I want as long as I believe in my self and put my mind to it like won’t make this basketball shot the you will miss because your putting yourself  down then you would miss because you don’t have trust in yourselves so you shouldn’t be putting your Oder drown and just believe in your self and don’t give a fuck what anybody else says

I also noticed Emerson is the type to ignore everyone like there negative comments and what they think of him because he don’t give a damn about what people say

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

1. His purpose for writing the story was about love
2. I agree because they use faith to her name because she has slot of faith in her and her husbands ralationship
3. The pink ribbons signify love between the  two
4. It was between the two sons of it was real and some of it was a piece of his imagination and a dream to
5. I think the old mad is really her husband
6. I think he leads brown onward to his mind and conscience
7. His life would be different because he wouldn’t have Done the  things he did in the forest and he wouldn’t have faith in finding her and he wouldn’t have trusted her

Monday, September 17, 2018

I think hallucinating is when your sleep but awake because you see something like a dream but it feels real even though you’re really sleep during the time of you seeing this hallucination

Friday, August 24, 2018

Thursday, August 16, 2018